Happy Holidays and Best Wishes for the New Year!
Picture of New Kitchen
  • The renovations on our new home are almost finished! Many more pictures of our new place can be found by clicking on the picture of the new kitchen (which we love, even though we don't cook much).
  • Steve is enjoying his new workshop and built some great looking bookshelves for the game room.
  • Kitty is enjoying creating a brand new garden where once there was grass and pavement
SummerCampsmll.JPG (14K) BRIDGE
  • The Bridge in the Schools program is going well. The manual we produced to combine Minibridge and the Club series is being used all over the country (and in Turkey).
  • Here in Albuquerque, a trophy in honor of Louise Fornero was donated for our end of year Middle Schools competition.
  • Felix Reid and Kitty ran a summer camp at the Bridge Club. We had many grandchildren of our local community of players (some of whom are pictured at the right, more pictures if you click on photo).
  • Picture of Panda
  • We returned to the San Diego Regional last April and were briefly the leading masterpoint winners, alas one day too early.
  • We won over 500 masterpoints this year, including winning three events at the Colorado Springs Regional.
  • Steve will win Silver Life Master of the year in Albuquerque again this year, but Kitty cannot quite catch Joe Harris for the local Diamond LM title.
  • We went to the Nationals in Phoenix but didn't do very well (to put it mildly).
  • Kitty created a web site for our local Bridge unit and its clubs at www.abqbridge.com
  • We finally visited the San Diego Zoo (click on the panda above for more pictures).
  • We visited with Bruce and Heidrun Meador, Steve's friends from the La Jolla Program, on their mountain top.
  • We planned to go to the World Championships in Montreal in the RV. We got as far as Madison, WI, where we visited with Kitty's fifth cousin Eric Brown, when our little dog Mountain Girl's cancer came back. So we turned around and went back to Colorado State University Veterinary Teaching Hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado, where they took off a hind leg and part of her pelvis. She bounced back from that and nows runs around quite happily. She has several inoperable metastases in her lungs but the experimental vaccine she is receiving seems to be inhibiting their growth.
  • Our first (and so far only) guest in our new home was Kitty's brother, Shipley, who came to town for a seminar. We had a really nice time. (So come visit!) tn_MunsonFamily_JPG.jpg (20K)
  • During our many trips to Colorado, Kitty got to meet several cousins in the area (Teddie Keller on the Lee side and Betty Lakey on the Munson side), including a visit with Dick Larkin (the Munson family genealogist), who was in Denver on business.
  • Steve got to spend an evening in Denver with his honorary sister, Grace, at her son Daniel's place.
  • Kitty's parents sold their house in East Hampton for a princely sum. The buyer ended up tearing it down and is building a new house with a pool on the lot.
  • In September Kitty's parents moved into a retirement community built in an old mill in Groton MA, only 10 minutes from Kitty's brother Shipley and his family
  • Picture of Paul on his Deck
  • Kitty visited her parents in October. Pictures of their new apartment can be seen by clicking on the family picture above. Kitty also got to remeet cousin Susan Leake Murrell, see the fall foliage, and drop by her 30th college reunion.
  • After Boston, Kitty went to NYC to see her son Paul's new apartment and spend some time visiting. Paul's current financial Internet programming job is winding down at the end of February. His resume is posted online. More pictures of the apartment and Paul can be seen by clicking his picture.
  • Kitty and Paul visited the Munson and Lee graves in the Greenwood cemetery and also visited with fifth cousins on the Steinhardt (Thannhauser) side, Frank Hammelbacher and his mother Hella Tuchmann Hammelbacher, in Forest Hills.
Picture of Roses and Yarrow from my garden WORK
  • Kitty has come out of retirement and is doing some part-time contract work. Her resume is posted online on this site.
  • One rather special client is her favorite garden catalog business for Western waterwise gardens, High Country Gardens. One of the benefits its employees have is the garden discard pile. We have a house full of blooming paperwhites now, thank you.
  • We are working together on a CD containing an interactive set of Bridge lessons using the software developed by Fred Gitelman of BridgeBase. Aimed at beginners and advancing players, it will incorporate some of Kitty's ten years of lesson material.
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