Happy 2013

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We lost our beloved Rex in April and we miss him terribly. He was almost 16, but that doesn't make it any easier. Rex was sweet, quiet, somber, and loving, with a wonderful curl in his tail. He had a lovely low bark - "ruff" - that was half a growl.

Click any photo for more pictures.

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Our Health

Kitty's brain seems fully recovered except that she has trouble with very difficult programming tasks. Steve did a series of radiation treatments over the summer to attempt to stem the slow but steady rise of his PSA. First post-treatment PSA was significantly lower. We hope this is the end of the problem.

Bridge Travels

This year we went to the Spring Nationals in St. Louis. We did nothing in St. Louis, but did get to visit fellow bridge RVer friends, Tom and Caroline Peters, at their lovely lakeside home in Grapevine, Texas on the way home.

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Carolyn Peters on their deck at the lake  
Tom (63K)
  Tom seems displeased to be photographed

We skipped the Summer Nationals since they were in Atlanta and had start times of 10:00 and 3:00. At the Fall Nationals in Phoenix, Kitty and her new Women's partner, Lynne Feldman of San Diego, finished in the top ten of both women's events in spite of both fighting colds. But Kitty and Steve again accomplished nothing.

We went to fewer regionals this year but won a fair number. Kitty's favorite win was a Knockout Teams in Ventura where she played with Lynne and had Steve and Mark Jones at the other table. Nice to have such a great teammate as one's spouse!

Kitty went to New York City for her 45th high school reunion in May!

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Classmates Michelle Gerber Kahn and Katie Moss
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    Kitty at lunch at Google

She stayed with her son, Paul Bethe, and visited him at his new place of work, GOOGLE NYC. Lunch was amazing - so many choices and free, with lots of little tasting helpings. The outdoor dining deck has a great view. Games night with the Googlers was great fun. There were lots of board games, but they weren't so good at bridge yet!

Seeing classmates was great as always. Liane hosted a dinner at her apartment. Sadly, Kitty used her iPad to take photos for the first time and most were out of focus.

Kitty's Family

Kitty's nephew Geddes and wife Jill added Aquila Munson to the family in January, making Kitty's Dad a great-grandfather.

Kitty tries to visit her Dad, who will be 94 in January, at his assisted living facility every few months. Now that her brother's family has a big house only 20 minutes away, this is much easier to do. The weekend before Thanksgiving she and son Paul visited. Paul had a November beard. .

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Four generations of Munsons: Kitty's brother Shipley, her
father Larry, her nephew Geddes, and great-nephew Quil
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Kitty's son Paul Bethe and his Grampa Munson

Kitty's business - Open Sky Web Design

Kitty continues to create web sites using content management systems, making it easy for the owner to maintain them. Notable this year were several bridge sites her company did: the WBF, the EBL, and the North County Inland Unit. She always has an intern as well several designers who subcontract for her.

Kitty's blog, mainly about her new passion - genetic genealogy, became so popular that her host had to move it to a private server! She currently gets 700-800 visitors a day reading an average of three pages each. Some of that is because she wrote some free tools for making pretty pictures of chromosomes from CSV files. She gets some donations for those and even one new client so far. She has also discovered many new cousins in Norway with DNA testing; read all about it on her blog.

NCounty (45K) Blog (52K)

Lastly we want to say how much we love living in the San Diego area. The weather is lovely, the bridge community is most enjoyable, our view is glorious, and Kitty adores her fruit tree filled garden. This year's garden adventure was using her car as a dehydrator for the overly abundant fig crop. The skyline below was taken from Harbor Island, San Diego.

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